Cardinal Pointe Communications, Inc.


Medical Advice Disclaimers 

If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Department immediately.

Cardinal Pointe Communications, Inc. (“CPC”) health information kiosks (“kiosk”) are not medical devices. Although some of the information contained on the kiosk is medical in nature, the kiosk does not constitute, directly or indirectly, the practice of medicine, the administration of medical services, or a professional diagnosis or treatment plan. For expert advice please consult your physician.

Information on the kiosks is intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be construed as medical advice. Do not use the kiosk as a substitute for professional medical attention, diagnosis, or hands-on treatment.

Terms of Use

I understand that to use the technology, I must be, and am, 18 years of age or older. It requires the user to enter age, gender, race/ethnicity, date of birth, zip code, email, and name on certain occasions to receive requested information. It will not collect personally identifiable information on any individuals younger than age 18.

By inputting any of my personal or demographic information into the kiosk technology, I understand and agree that I may be contacted by CPC regarding CPC and/or any kiosk services advertised.

I understand that CPC will not store, transmit or receive any personal health information generated or entered herein. CPC will maintain appropriate  administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the information that you provide as required by the HIPAA Security Rule, HITECH, and applicable state law. 


I understand that my use of CPC technology does not create a physician-patient relationship with CPC, any kiosk advertising sponsor, or any of their staff.

I understand that this technology does not provide a diagnosis of any kind. The results may be incorrect. The results are not necessarily evidence of any disease or condition. The results are being provided for my information and use only.

I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain a medical examination performed by my personal physician to obtain advice or treatment related to my health.

By using this technology, I agree to waive and release CPC, and any advertising sponsor and its staff from any and all claims or causes of action for damages or injury that I now have or may hereafter acquire which in any way arise out of my input of demographic information, participation with any automated screening tool, or the results of any assessment, health quiz, and/or any other service and/or offering provided in connection herewith.

Privacy Policy

CPC values users' privacy. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") will help you understand how we collect and use personal information from those who visit our kiosk and website and what we will and will not do with the information we collect. Our Policy has been designed and created to ensure those affiliated with CPC of our commitment and realization of our obligation not only to meet, but to exceed, most existing privacy standards.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy at any given time. If you want to make sure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit this kiosk. This Policy applies to CPC, and it governs any and all data collection and usage by us. Through the use of this kiosk and web site you are therefore consenting to the data collection procedures expressed in this Policy.

Please note that this Policy does not govern the collection  and  use  of  information  by companies that CPC does not control, nor by individuals not employed or managed by us. If you visit a website that we mention or link to, be sure to review its privacy policy before providing the site with information. It is highly recommended and suggested that you review the privacy policies and statements of any website you choose to use or frequent to better understand the way in which websites garner, make use of and share the information collected.

Specifically, this Policy will inform you of the following:

1.      What personally identifiable information is collected from you through our kiosk;

2.      Why we collect personally identifiable information and the legal basis for such collection;

3.      How we use the collected information and with whom it may be shared;

4.      What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data; and

5.      The security procedures in place to protect against the misuse of your information.

Information We Collect

This kiosk does not store or disclose any personal health information. It collects various voluntarily provided user information which includes your date-of-birth, gender, race/ethnicity, name, zip code, and email address.

Please rest assured that this kiosk will only collect personal information that you knowingly and willingly provide us with. No personally identifiable health information is stored, reported, or shared with any party. It is the intent of this kiosk to use opt-in personal information only for the purpose for which it was requested by user, and any additional uses specifically provided for in this Policy.

Why We Collect Information and For How Long

We are collecting your data for several reasons:

·        To better understand your needs and provide you with the services you have requested;

·        To fulfill our legitimate interest in improving our services;

·        To send you promotional emails containing information we think you may like when we have your consent to do so;

·        To contact you to fill out surveys or participate in other types of market research, when we have your consent to do so;

The data we collect from you will be stored for no longer than necessary. The length of time we retain said information will be determined based upon the following criteria: the length of time your personal information remains relevant; the length of time it is reasonable to keep records to demonstrate that we have fulfilled our duties and obligations; any limitation periods within which claims might be made; any retention periods prescribed by law or recommended by regulators, professional bodies or associations; the type of contract we have with you, the existence of your consent, and our legitimate interest in keeping such information as stated in this Policy.

Use of Information Collected

CPC does not now, nor will it in the future, sell, rent, or lease any of its customer lists and/or names to any other third parties. We may collect and may make use of personal information to assist in the operation of our kiosk or website and to ensure delivery of the services you need and request. At times, we may find it necessary to use personally identifiable information as a means to keep you informed of other possible products and/or services that may be available from CPC or kiosk SPONSOR.

CPC may also be in contact with you with regard to completing surveys and/or research questionnaires related to your opinion of current or potential future services that may be offered.

CPC may feel it necessary, from time to time, to contact you on behalf of our kiosk program advertising sponsor with regards to a potential offer which may be of interest to you.

Disclosure of Information

CPC may not use or disclose the information provided by you except under the following circumstances:

·        as necessary to provide services or products you have opt-in to request;

·        in other ways described in this Policy or to which you have otherwise consented;

·        in the aggregate with other information in such a way so that your identity cannot reasonably be determined;

·        as required by law, or in response to a subpoena or search warrant;

·        as necessary to enforce the Terms of Service;

·        as necessary to maintain, safeguard and preserve all the rights and property of Cardinal Pointe Communications, Inc.

Non-Marketing Purposes

CPC greatly respects your privacy. We do maintain and reserve the right to contact you if needed for non-marketing purposes (such as bug alerts, security breaches, account issues, and/or changes in CPC products and services). In certain circumstances, we may use this kiosk, our website, or other public means to post a notice.

Individuals Under the Age of 18

CPC kiosk and web site is not directed to, and does not knowingly collect personal identifiable information from, individuals under the age of eighteen (18). If it is determined that such information has been inadvertently collected on anyone under the age of eighteen (18), we shall immediately take the necessary steps to ensure that such information is deleted from our system's database.

Unsubscribe or Opt-Out

Upon receipt of any email communication and/or promotion received from CPC you’ll be provided with an option to discontinue receiving future communications from us. If you wish to unsubscribe or opt-out from any third-party emails or websites, you must go to that specific website to unsubscribe or opt-out. CPC will continue to adhere to this Policy with respect to any personal information previously collected.

Links to Other Websites

Our emails and website do contain links to kiosk advertising sponsor websites. CPC does not claim nor accept responsibility for any privacy policies, practices and/or procedures of advertising sponsor websites. Therefore, we encourage all users and visitors to be aware when they leave our website, they need to read the privacy statements of every website that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy Agreement applies only and solely to the information collected by our kiosk and website.

Notice to European Union Users

CPC's operations are located in the United States. If you provide information to us, the information will be transferred out of the European Union (EU) and sent to the United States. (The adequacy decision on the EU-US Privacy became operational on August 1, 2016. This framework protects the fundamental rights of anyone in the EU whose personal data is transferred to the United States for commercial purposes. It allows the free transfer of data to companies that are certified in the US under the Privacy Shield.) By providing personal information to us, you are consenting to its storage and use as described in this Policy.

Your Rights as a Data Subject

Under the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") of the EU you have certain rights as a Data Subject. These rights are as follows:

The right to be informed: this means we must inform you of how we intend to use your personal data and we do this through the terms of this Policy.

The right of access: this means you have the right to request access to the data we hold about you and we must respond to those requests within one month. You can do this by sending an email to

The right to rectification: this means that if you believe some of the date, we hold is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected. You can do this by logging into your account with us, or by sending us an email with your request.

The right to erasure: this means you can request that the information we hold be deleted, and we will comply unless we have a compelling reason not to, in which case you will be informed of same. You can do this by sending an email to

The right to restrict processing: this means you can change your communication preferences or opt-out of certain communications. You can do this by sending an email to

The right of data portability: this means you can obtain and use the data we hold for your own purposes without explanation. If you wish to request a copy of your information, contact us at

The right to object: this means you can file a formal objection with us regarding our use of your information with regard to third parties, or its processing where our legal basis is our legitimate interest in it. To do this, please send an email to

In addition to the rights above, please rest assured that we will always aim to encrypt and anonymize your personal information whenever possible. We also have protocols in place in the unlikely event that we suffer a data breach, and we will contact you if your personal information is ever at risk. For more details regarding our security protections see the section below or visit our website at


CPC takes precautions to protect your information. When you submit information via the kiosk or website, your information is protected both online and offline. Wherever we collect information, that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way.

While we use encryption to protect information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. The computers and servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment. This is all done to prevent any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification of the user's personal information under our control.

All data collected at this Kiosk is protected by Microsoft Azure and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for authentication and private communications to build users' trust and confidence in the internet and website use by providing simple and secure access and communication of personal information.

Acceptance of Terms

By using this kiosk or our website, you are hereby accepting the terms and conditions stipulated within the Privacy Policy Agreement. If you are not in agreement with our terms and conditions, then you should refrain from further use of our sites. In addition, your continued use of our website following the posting of any updates or changes to our terms and conditions shall mean that you agree to and accept such changes.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy Agreement related to our kiosk or website, please feel free to contact us at the following email, telephone number or mailing address.


Telephone Number: 863-646-5432

Mailing Address:

Cardinal Pointe Communications, Inc. 1564 Eagle Ridge Ct, Lakeland, Florida 33813

The data controller responsible for your personal information for the purposes of GDPR compliance is:

Ladd Kline, 1564 Eagle Ridge Ct, Lakeland, FL 33813,


Limitations on Liability; Waiver

Your use of any CPC kiosk or related website is undertaken entirely at your own risk.

CPC and/or kiosk advertising sponsor shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or any other monetary or other damages, costs (including attorneys’ costs), fees, fines, penalties, or liabilities arising out of or relating in any way to your use of the kiosk, website or any information or content provided thereon. Your sole and exclusive remedy for dissatisfaction with the kiosk or website is to stop using them.

You hereby waive any claims that you might have against CPC and kiosk advertising sponsor arising out of or relating in any way to your use of the Website or any information or content provided on the Website or linked third-party websites.

Governing Law

This Agreement is made and entered into in the State of Florida, regardless of the location from which you access the kiosk or website and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regards to any conflicts of law provisions.

You agree that any legal action or proceeding between you and CPC for any purpose concerning this Agreement, use of kiosk or website shall be brought exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction sitting in the State of Florida.

Western Sales Office:
(480) 923-9836
Eastern Sales Office:
(863) 646-5432

Social Media:

Hours of Operation
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Proudly Serving Nationwide