Cardinal Pointe Communications, Inc.

Reach and engage


Cardinal Pointe is a consumer health engagement company that has made it easier for people to measure and act on their personal health data over 25 years. We provide automated, free-to-use, self-service, interactive, health station kiosks to create actionable connections between consumers and our marketing partners who provide care and support.

Cardinal Pointe’s health stations provide free blood pressure and BMI testing to drive AT-RISK individuals to our partners online health risk assessments (HRA) and/or other key service line offerings. Our interactive platform works as a powerful bridge to reach individuals primed for further engagement.


  • 10,000 +/- tests annually per site
  • Average user session lasts 2 to 5 minutes
  • Over 60% of BP tests show results in the hypertensive range, one of the leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease
  • Over 64% of BMI tests show results in the overweight to obese ranges, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep disorders
  • Over 70% of users that tested high are motivated to consult with a doctor
    • Survey Monkey report conducted November 17, 2021
  • Secured usage data capture and reporting
  • Qualifies as a community benefit expenditure for non-profit organizations

Western Sales Office:
(480) 923-9836
Eastern Sales Office:
(863) 646-5432

Social Media:

Hours of Operation
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Proudly Serving Nationwide